Dear Ted: I’ve been struggling with sleep due to work, any tips?

Posted on 31st July, 2019

Recently I’ve spent quite a bit of time with senior HR people and it’s interesting that all have suffered this at some point, and all have had at least one panic attack, or similar. All said that the intensity of work had increased in the past ten years, driven mostly by mobile systems featuring not just text, email and social media, but also a range of project apps or workgroups which all add to their workload


There is no universal solution, you need to find your own, but the best ones I’ve heard so far include

  • not looking at work stuff for at least the 2 hours before you sleep
  • setting the expectation with colleagues that work hours are….
  • having a pad of paper and a pen by your bed; write down stuff and leave it for the next day (it somehow clears the brain)
  • talk to peers, share the issues
  • delegate whole tasks, not bits, and trust your team to deliver
  • let colleagues know when you have a full plate, explain that you will get back to them in 5 days (remember the plumber does this, only handles emergencies in the meantime?) 


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