DEAR TED “I’m overloaded with emails, I just can’t get my head above water”

Posted on 4th July, 2019

You’re not alone, a lot of people struggle with 24/7 mobile devices and the feeling that they have to respond or at least keep on top of the every growing mountain of communication


There is no simple answer, but here’s some thoughts…

  1. set up a filter (just YouTube it) that separates email that you are copied into, you can skim that for info only later, and then pay attention to the inbox of mail addressed to you
  2. consider an auto reply such as “I’ve received a lot more email than normal recently, please allow me some extra time”
  3. don’t respond immediately to enquiries, especially where there are others included in the “to” address, otherwise you’ll get caught by follow-up questions (many things resolve themselves given a bit of time and others input)
  4. take a three week holiday and tell everyone that you’re not going to look at emails or work things during that time!  Only by having a lengthy break do people start to realise that they can make their own decisions
  5. tell everyone that you don’t handle work email at weekends and then stick to it, and for holidays that texts only in an emergency


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