Dear Ted: My Company has all the right Equal Opps policies and yet.....

Posted on 23rd October, 2019

From our chat it sounds like you’ve been ahead of the curve in having written policies, but there is no traction.

In my experience you need clear best practice guidelines and the senior execs leading by example


In other words a policy statement means nothing if people don’t understand what is actually required in day to day work and best practice fails if the top team avoid or skirt around it


Search for Diversity & Inclusion Best Practice to find lots of good stuff. Some companies, for example, insist that no interview panel or candidate shortlist will lack diversity, that pay and bonuses will be scrutinised by independent experts, that promotions will be approved by diverse peers, that new publications will be accessible by people with sight impairment, that audio based media will be transcribed, that mobility access will be retrofitted (rather than awaiting a building refurb), that gender neutral toilets will be assigned…. 


BUT they only work when the senior team adopt them and make sure their teams do so as well


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